It’s tonight!!

Great Ready!
All Man

87 Mats Left! The way the lottery works is this: all the numbers from 1 to 134 go into a hat, or bowl or whatever; then we stir the pot and pick out 5 numbers. It’s very exciting. If the number that is drawn is your number, you’ll get the special super-secret not yet created T-shirt prize!!! If the number drawn hasn’t been chosen, that’s right, you’re SOL 🙁

87/134 = %64.9 percent of mats left unpurchased!! The inverse being 134-87 = 47, 47/134 = 35.1% of mats have been purchased!! Thanks so much to everyone who chipped in to help make this next adventure easier to achieve! We have the most amazing group of friends here! It’s pretty awesome 🙂

Fun workout today too, Logic anyone?