posted a day early for your teaming

Workout for Saturday January 7th:

Teams of 3:

Row 500m faster than your 2k split from your last 2k
Do 10 Split Squats, each leg, with a bar in the front rack
25 Push-ups

This bit of work, should take around 5 minutes to do straight through for 1 person. If it takes much more than 5 minutes, it means that: you’ve gone too far (do less meters, or row faster), done too many of the or weighted too heavily the split squats, or did or tried to do too many push-ups.

The trick here is that your buddies want to get three rounds in too. We want to get very intense work accomplished, and we want to be done with that work by, at most, 45 minutes. So, if it takes too long, it’s kind of getting messed up from a physiological standpoint as much as a group management/timing of class standpoint.

Isn’t it nice when things go hand in hand? SCALE and go hard, you’ll get fitter that way faster, than if you don’t scale and take for freaking ever to finish it all, Adler.