posted a day early because I’m able to

Workout for Tuesday May 24th:

Let’s do this:

As a team (the whole class) run 400m

once you’re all back

Work on Pull-ups for 10 minutes, either, strict with weights, or working down in bands get things moving and grooving.

Run another 400.

Then spend 10 minutes, finding your max weighted (minimum banded pull-up), once everyone has that done, then,

Run another 400.

Then come back and spend 10 minutes doing L-hang work, 20 on 40 off (alright, maybe 9 minutes), then,

Run another 400.

Once everyone is back, find a spot and kick into a handstand and work on solid holding 30 sec on, 30 sec off, or alternating touch one hand to a shoulder for 30 seconds rest for 30 sec, for about 5 minutes of that should work.

Rest and stretch it out!!